
portillos restaurant

Portillo’s Restaurant
Chicago, IL

When a customer calls with an emergency, we’re ready to move fast. This case study will reflect the speed at which our team is ready to move at, especially under dire circumstances. From the first call, to the final stroke, we turned this case around in just a day and a half.

It was clear what the panels needed just from looking at the photos; we were begged to complete this project as quickly as humanly possible. We put together a team of 3, hopped into the truck with our materials and set off to Oak Brook, Illinois.

Our team began by removing the stains from the panels with an anodize-based touch up product. Once the panels proved bare again, we applied a clear lacquer that protects the exposed aluminum.

We welcome any opportunity to work on-site throughout the year. Consider Buctel for your future on-site finishing needs!